Displaying Live Racecourse Data With Custom Columns

As regular Bet Angel users will be aware, the One-Click trading screen in Bet Angel is the most customizable of any Betfair Trading software. Not only can its appearance and layout be configured to your individual liking, but the information from the market it can display for each selection is nearly endless. As you can…

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Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface

Since the Real-time GPS data from Total Performance Data (TPD) was integrated with Bet Angel it’s transformed the way many in-running traders who use Bet Angel have been able to trade in-play. For the first time, it’s been possible to automate their in-running trading strategies. By having the ability to now trigger bets using TPD’s…

The post Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Automation – Store a Value from a Range of Values

Over the last few years the ‘Stored Value’ feature in Bet Angel’s advanced automation has continually been updated with more and more information for markets and selections being made available to store as a value which can then be used/displayed throughout other area’s of Bet Angel. In total there are now around 40 key pieces…

The post Automation – Store a Value from a Range of Values appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Key trading points, automatically or with a click!

Bet Angel v1.55 see’s yet another innovate feature added to Bet Angel already highly customizable Betfair ladder trading screen, this new feature is called ‘Markers’. As the name suggests ‘Markers’ allow the user to highlight areas of interest to them on the ladder screen. Markers are fully customizable allowing the user to highlight any cell/s…

The post Key trading points, automatically or with a click! appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Bet Angel | New Feature | History Lists

An innovative feature added to Bet Angel V1.55 was the ability to store values into independant history lists, this expands the uses of the already powerful Stored Values options even further and opens the doors to even more possibilities. History lists – The concept If you come from a coding background, history lists are very…

The post Bet Angel | New Feature | History Lists appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

How to display special information on the Ladder trading screen

The following post will show how if you’re using Bet Angel V1.51.1 or above you can display additional information like the Last Traded Price (LTP) on your ladder screen as in the image above, this can be very useful especially if you’re an In-Play trader using the ladder screen to trade from as the prices…

How to Link Football Markets with Automation

Many football strategies can involve the cross-checking or the linking of one or more markets, doing this manually with Bet Angel you can of course use features like the watchlist to monitor multiple markets but what about using automation – how can you trigger bets on one market depending on what’s happening in another market?…