Displaying Live Racecourse Data With Custom Columns
As regular Bet Angel users will be aware, the One-Click trading screen in Bet Angel is the most customizable of any Betfair Trading software. Not only can its appearance and layout be configured to your individual liking, but the information from the market it can display for each selection is nearly endless. As you can…
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Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface
Since the Real-time GPS data from Total Performance Data (TPD) was integrated with Bet Angel it’s transformed the way many in-running traders who use Bet Angel have been able to trade in-play. For the first time, it’s been possible to automate their in-running trading strategies. By having the ability to now trigger bets using TPD’s…
The post Live racecourse data – On ANY trading interface appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.
Customised Rankings – Sorted, with Bet Angel!
When trading any Betfair market the one thing you’ll always want to know, even if you don’t realise, it is the ranking (order) the selections are in. By default selections in Bet Angel are ordered the same way as they are in Betfair, but many people also like to see and rank their selections in…
The post Customised Rankings – Sorted, with Bet Angel! appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.
Changing column widths on Bet Angel
Bet Angel is highly customisable Betfair trading software. You can pretty much modify anything to suit your trading style and strategy. There are many reasons why you may want to do this, but we have a good reason at the moment for sure. The huge volumes being matched on the next US president market! With…
The post Changing column widths on Bet Angel appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.
Bet Angel – Cash-out at much better Prices
Betfair Cash out, only better! Hegding, Greening, Cash-out, whatever you want to call the process of spreading a profit across a market is great. But lets make it better, let’s squeeze additional profit out of the market. If you are familiar with the cash out button on Betfair you will know that if your cash…
The post Bet Angel – Cash-out at much better Prices appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.
Smarter, Faster, Customisable Betfair trading
If you’re new to Betfair trading software like Bet Angel, but have used and are familiar with the Betfair exchange itself. The one-click betting screen of Bet Angel is great if you are familiar with the standard Betfair website. Most Betfair trading software includes something similar where the Betfair web site is replaced with a…
The post Smarter, Faster, Customisable Betfair trading appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.