Bet Angel’s unique new tool – ladder markers
The Betfair Ladder Trading screen on Bet Angel, is likely the most used and certainly the screen you’ll see most often when watching Betfair trading videos, especially horse racing. What is a trading ladder? The ladder is a view that will be familiar to anybody that has traded on the stock market. This is because…
The post Bet Angel’s unique new tool – ladder markers appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.
Betfair Historical Data on your trading screen
Critical trading information right on your screen There are an array of tools and features within Bet Angel that let you do almost anything, one of these is the ability to store values and display them your one-click and ladder trading screens. This can be just about anything from a market but some of the…
The post Betfair Historical Data on your trading screen appeared first on Betfair trading software, Betfair trading strategies & advice.
How to display special information on the Ladder trading screen
The following post will show how if you’re using Bet Angel V1.51.1 or above you can display additional information like the Last Traded Price (LTP) on your ladder screen as in the image above, this can be very useful especially if you’re an In-Play trader using the ladder screen to trade from as the prices…