Where Angels fear to tread

I’ve learnt over time that whether it’s short-term trading on Betfair or long-term investing in financial markets, being a contrarian seems to be a very effective strategy. Why does contrarian behaviour work? Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at psychology and its impact on decision-making, and it’s proved a fascinating subject. I’ve immersed…

The post Where Angels fear to tread appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Key turning points in a Tennis Match

You should read this article in conjunction with the one I have written about “choking” in sports. Spotting key turning points when Betfair trading There can often be key turning points in a sport and it’s most dominant in individual player sports, especially Tennis. One of the most subtle examples I can give in recent years…

The post Key turning points in a Tennis Match appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

Betfair trading – Little and often soon adds up

This is a phrase I’ll often quote when advising people on how to trade. Your real objective when trading It’s really nice to bang in some massive results now and again, but generally, that’s not what trading is about. Most of the time I’m in a market I’m just looking for an opportunity. Something I recognise…

The post Betfair trading – Little and often soon adds up appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.

A very effective F1 trading opportunity

Trading on Formula One racing may seem unusual, starting to trade even before the season has even started is even more unusual; but it can often present some really good opportunities. Like most markets, there is always a strategy that you can find which makes perfect sense and which doesn’t often require any specific detailed knowledge…

The post A very effective F1 trading opportunity appeared first on Betfair trading blog | Expert advice from Professional Betfair trade.